Shelter & Orion – Here’s Where You Understand It’s Only Dreaming (LP)
Criminally under-pressed collaboration between SC alumni Shelter (Alan Briand) and contemporary private-press wunderkind Orion (Tom Val). Unmissable missive from the Parisian psychedelic underground!
“The brilliant Les Disques Omnison continues to bury its way into deep into the underground of self-made European fringe music. Here a meeting of minds from label owner Tom Val (aka Orion) and store owner / Protopost label head owner Shelter. With all the hallmarks of a strange 80s privately released LP from your wildest imagination, the duo carve out four 10min+ improvised jams that skirt the fringes of krautrock, fourth-world ambience, free-jazz and post-punk all imbued with a heavily stoned psychedelic aura. The tradition of French prog / space-rock feels within touching distance - Pôle, Philippe Grancher, Heldon, that crazy Alain Meunier record, Ariel Karma or their more contemporary countrymen Tanz Mein Herz. But there’s something unmistakably new at work here. Unhurried, totally absorbing and subtly cosmic expanses that each feel infinite within their own atmospheres. Europe Endless! Cripplingly (and admittedly stupidly) limited edition of 100” — All Night Flight
New release on Les Disques Omnison & Protopost.