James Bailey - Dimensions (LP)
East End Toronto ur-legend James Bailey self released Dimensions in 1986, a deep dive into atmospherics and reel-to-reel tape delays systems à la Terry Riley’s Time-lag Accumulator. The resulting LP lands somewhere near Vito Ricci’s explorations in wrench guitar, but as if recorded by Pauline Oliveros. Can’t beat James’ descriptions of the pieces from the back of the LP:
1. The Train to the Eighth Dimension (April, 1984)
This was created using a Mini-Moog synthesizer and tape delay. The right channel playback was returned to the left input and the left into the right. This results in the sound hopping or sweeping from side to side. It was built from white noise which was modulated and filtered. Both the modulation and filtering were slowly increased until the white noise became a sine wave signal after which the modulation was slowly decreased. As a result of the looping, phasing of both the signal and beat occurs at several points. Yes, the title was inspired by "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai"
2. From A Window· 1 a.m. (June, 1978)
One of my earliest attempts at a serious tape music composition. Many of the playing techniques were the result of experiments carried out shortly before recording. There are two basic sound sources for this piece. The first, and the one which inspired the overall structure, was a chorus of what must have been several hundred crickets outside my bedroom window one warm summer night. The rhythmic pattern they created prompted me to improvise, and attempt to mimic, along with them by bowing an electric guitar string with the spring from a ball point pen. Other sounds were created by "preparing" the guitar. That is, objects were placed under, between, and over the strings to alter the sound. The strings were then tapped with whatever mallett-like implement was at hand. The title should be obvious.
3. 4HC (July 11, 1982)
Recorded in the back garden the day Italy won the World Cup. I had attempted to make a tape delay recording of the many car horns which I was expecting to hear, but when this was less than successful due to my remoteness from the "scene of the action", I decided to plug in the electric guitar instead and doodle. This quaint and occasionally charming piece was one result. The title I would prefer to remain a mystery. (August 1986)
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