Trax - S/T (LP)
Southern Ontario private-press impresario Leo Keough saw Trax play a bar gig and invited them to record in his Nashville (ON) studio in 1985. Keough’s studio was a two car garage that his father let him soundproof and use for recording. According to bassist Barry Brillinger, since the garage was less than 15 meters from the railway track, they had to pause recording and turn off the mics when the train whistled at the Nashville Road crossing and wait until the rumbling subsided before continuing the session. In fits and starts the group recorded their sole album, appropriately self-titled Trax, released on Keough’s May Records. True to the ingenuity of the process the album is a distillation of adolescent spirit, raw missives of isolation, unrequited love, displacement, and loss. Essential Canadiana.
Sealed and flat deadstock copy.